Derek Welton


Reviews of Elijah

Derek Welton’s performances in the title role of Elijah have been critically acclaimed by the press:


‘The splendid hero turns out to be Derek Welton. The Australian baritone dominates the overwhelming title role and infuses it with all the colours of the Lieder singer that he also is.’ – Classique News


‘The baritone Derek Welton was the great star in this staged version of Mendelssohn’s oratorio Elijah. His presence, his projection, the intensity of his acting, allowed him to embody an ideal prophet, an angry man, permanently questioning: fulminant in this shadowy oratorio.’ – Classica


‘It takes an exceptional artist to portray Elias. At the Opéra de Lyon, it is the Australian baritone Derek Welton who plays the Prophet brilliantly. Here he confirms a very impressive talent as a singer-actor, portraying a charismatic character: a very tall figure with a powerful voice, a timbre which is simultaneously sonorous and creamy, a superlative technique allowing him to dare flamboyant top notes as well as sustained low notes, nuances and colours, and to be authoritarian and angry in “Rufet lauter” as well as desperate and pleading in “Es ist genug”. He dominates the stage in accordance with his role, always in counterpoint to the rest of the soloists and the choir.’ –


‘Derek Welton, a head taller than the rest of the cast, is imposing in the title role. Beyond his stature, his voice of bronze and his energy naturally place him in the footsteps of this “charismatic leader” with inspired phrasing. His timbre has the breadth and darkness of ancient oak, while his concentrated projection has the vitality of youth.’ – Ôlyrix


‘Derek Welton remarkably portrays a varied Elijah, trusting in God but sometimes agitated by doubts (his long monologue “Es ist genug” is a marvel of variety and emotion).’ – Díapason


‘Elijah is vigorously played by Derek Welton, who brings his character to life and evolves with intelligence. Its facets multiply before our eyes, from confidence – sometimes excessive – to immense doubt, assurance to despair, natural authority to fragility. His voice is round, flies towards the heavens, comes down to human height, and projects itself without force.’ — Opera Online